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Natalia Zuniga

Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, with expertise in matters related to environment and public law. Natalia has studied a MSc in Environmental Policy and Regulation at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her current research interests involve environmental regulation, political ecology, sustainable economies and environmental and social issues around natural resources. Specifically, she has been studying the illegal mining, deforestation and impacts to vulnerable people, thus she has published a few articles on that matter.

By Administrative Resolution N° 057-2021-ANA, published on 13 March, the National Water Authority establishes the procedure for obtaining a license for water use, in the framework of the regime of formalization, approved by Supreme Decree N° 010-2020-MINAGRI, issued 15 October 2020. It also approves the technical criteria for the evaluation of applications and formats required to achieve this effect.