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Hong Kong was one of the earliest cities to be impacted by COVID-19 and is now just coming out of its second wave of COVID-19 cases. With the number of cases in Hong Kong decreasing, employers who have operated work from home arrangements are currently assessing how best to reopen their workplaces and transition to business as usual.

In this webinar, we will be discussing issues employers are now facing with a returning workforce including the implementation of staggered returns, workplace health and safety considerations, responding to requests to continue flexible working arrangements and managing employee concerns about returning to work.

We will also look at the long term impact on working life post-COVID-19 and lessons employers have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we will discuss whether working from home arrangements brought about by COVID-19 will result in more flexible work arrangements being the new norm for certain industries, whether the way employers conduct business meetings may change, the importance of reviewing contracts, policies and contingency planning to future-proof businesses and the risk of potential litigation in a post-COVID-19 environment such as pay disputes.


Ken Ng is a Senior Associate in Baker McKenzie, Hong Kong office.


Venus Man is an Associate in Baker McKenzie's Hong Kong office.