As of 1 January 2025, the Netherlands will introduce new rules with respect to the qualification of legal forms as either transparent (look-through/disregarded entity) or non-transparent (separate taxpayer/regarded entity) from a Dutch tax perspective.
An important change is that Dutch limited partnerships and comparable foreign partnerships will be considered transparent from a Dutch tax perspective, even if the participations are freely transferable.
Although often viewed as one of the most open economies in Europe, the broader European policy push for more foreign direct investment (FDI) screening has also given momentum to the Dutch legislature to design and implement the very first Dutch cross-sector FDI screening regime. On 1 June 2023, the Act on Security Screening of Investments, Mergers, and Acquisitions (“Vifo Act”) entered into force.
On 18 July 2023, the Dutch government published draft legislation to implement the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which was adopted on 14 December 2022 by the EU. The government has invited stakeholders and other interested parties to provide feedback on the draft bill before 10 September 2023. The draft bill requires certain companies to report on sustainability issues and addresses the audit requirements for auditors and accounting firms for the corporate sustainability report. It also expands the reporting obligations for listed companies.
Baker McKenzie’s Sanctions Blog published the alert titled Dutch authorities make arrest over Russia sanctions circumvention on 20 July 2023. Read the article via the link here. Please also visit our Sanctions Blog for the most recent updates.
On 30 June 2023, the Dutch government announced supplemental controls for exports of certain advanced semiconductor production equipment from the Netherlands. These controls will enter into force on 1 September 2023.
Baker McKenzie’s Sanctions Blog published the alert titled Blog Series: Sanctions Enforcement Around the World, the Dutch Perspective on 24 May 2023. Read the article via the link here. Please also visit our Sanctions Blog for the most recent updates.
On 28 April 2023, the Dutch state secretary of finance published an updated version of the Dutch guidance on the mandatory disclosure regime on cross-border transactions, generally known as DAC 6. The slight amendments to the previous guidance are due to signals from the public and are intended to help tax practitioners and other intermediaries determine what transactions must be reported. In our view, the changes also intend to reduce the number of reported transactions that are clearly outside the scope of DAC 6. Furthermore, the updated version clarifies the Dutch government’s position on legal privilege in light of the 8 December 2022 judgment from the Court of the Justice of the EU.
Join us for a four-part webinar series as our US moderators welcome colleagues from around the globe to share the latest labor and employment law updates and trends. US-based multinational employers with business operations in Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and the Americas regions will hear directly from local practitioners on the major developments they need to know, and come away with practical tips and takeaways to implement.
On 22 March 2023, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims.
The proposal aims to harmonize the evaluation and monitoring of voluntary environmental claims – often referred to as “green claims” – towards EU consumers and control the proliferation of public and private environmental labels. Complementing the March 2022 proposal for a Directive on empowering consumers for the green transition as a lex specialis by providing more specific requirements on the substantiation, communication and verification of green claims, it contributes to the fight against “greenwashing”.
Baker McKenzie’s Sanctions Blog published the alert titled Dutch government announces new EU sanctions measures against Russia and Belarus to enter into force on 24 February 2023 on 22 February 2023. Read the article via the link here. Please also visit our Sanctions Blog for the most recent updates.