Belgium’s new Private Investigation Act (PIA) was published in the Official Gazette on 6 December 2024, with most of its provisions having entered into force on 16 December 2024. The PIA replaces the 1991 Belgian Act on Private Detectives with the aim of modernizing the applicable legal framework in light of new investigation methods and the application of the General Data Protection Regulation. With its broader scope of application – this legislation is now also applicable to internal investigations – and the significant additional requirements it imposes, the PIA will undoubtedly impact many businesses operating in Belgium.
United States: DOJ & OSHA – NDAs Can’t Silence Whistleblowers
On January 14, 2025, the Department of Justice, Antitrust Division and Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a Joint Statement, asserting that non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) undermine whistleblower protection laws, including the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act (CAARA), when they deter or prevent an employee from coming forward. The Antitrust Division noted they are focused on allowing individuals to report antitrust violations without the fear of retaliation. The Joint Statement also warns against using NDAs as an improper shield to obstruct an investigation, which may result in separate federal criminal violations for companies.
United States: Bipartisan House Task Force on AI releases report with AI innovation principles and recommendations
On 17 December 2024, the Bipartisan House Task Force on Artificial Intelligence released a report on “guiding principles, forward-looking recommendations, and policy proposals to ensure America continues to lead the world in responsible AI innovation.” The report focuses on 15 key areas, including intellectual property, data privacy, healthcare and federal preemption of state law. These principles, recommendations and policy proposals are meant to be a tool rather than the final word on AI. As such, it is anticipated that future AI legislators will use the report to craft AI policy.
United Arab Emirates: Enacts new pharma law to boost pharmaceutical innovation
On 1 October 2024, the UAE Government has issued a new Federal Decree-Law No. 38 of 2024 to regulate medical products, the pharmacy profession and pharmaceutical establishments (the “Law”).
The Law replaces Federal Law No. (8) of 2019 on Medical Products, Pharmacy Profession and Pharmaceutical Establishments including its later amendments. However, its implementing regulations remain in effect to the extent they do not contradict with the Law.