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Welcome to The Employer Rapport, Baker McKenzie’s Labor and Employment video chat series for US multinational employers. In each on-demand episode, our lawyers provide insights and quick, practical tips on today’s most pressing issues and legal developments impacting employers both at the domestic and global levels. These videos complement our written legal updates shared on The Employer Report blog on trending topics including COVID-19 reopening developments.

Watch the video chats and be sure to let us know if there are additional topics you’d like us to address.

If you’re looking for guidance related to the pandemic, please check out the below Reopening Playbook video chat series. It covers practical topics like masks in the workplace, expense reimbursement requirements, employee testing and screening and much more.

Reopening Playbook Video Chat Series

Quarantine Requirements for When Your Employees Travel to Hotspots (30 July 2020)
Speakers: Elizabeth EbersolePaul EvansRobin Samuel

ICMYI Part 2: Employee Testing & Screening Update — What Can and Can’t Employers Do (23 July 2020)
Contacts: Susan EandiPaul Evans, Emily Harbison

Don’t Get Schooled by Employee Childcare Issues: What You Need to Know about Leave Laws as Schools Struggle with Reopening (16 July 2020)
Speakers: Emily Harbison, Michael Brewer and Robin Samuel

ICYMI: Employee Testing & Screening Update — What Can and Can’t Employers Do (9 July 2020)
Speakers: Susan Eandi, Emily Harbison, Robin Samuel

Employment Lessons from the Early State Reopeners (23 June 2020)
Speakers: Emily Harbison, Paul EvansWilliam Dugan

Employment Litigation Predictions in a COVID-19 World: An Insider’s View from the Plaintiff’s Bar (12 June 2020)
Speakers: Michael BrewerBillie Wenter

Employee Expense Reimbursement: Requirements and Trends in a WFH Environment (12 June 2020)
Speakers: Michael BrewerSusan Eandi, Emily Harbison

Employers: Protect Your Company IP While Employees Work Remotely (12 June 2020)
Speakers: Bradford NewmanJoseph DengBillie WenterRobin Samuel

How to Think About Moving to Permanently Remote Work (5 June 2020)
Speakers: Susan EandiChristopher GuldbergBetsy Morgan, Grant Uhler

An Employer Primer on Workshare Programs (5 June 2020)
Speakers: Paul EvansRobin SamuelBillie Wenter

EEOC Guidance: To Keep Employees Home or Not (5 June 2020)
Speakers: Michael Brewer, Emily Harbison, Michael Leggieri 

Trend Watch: The First Wave of COVID-Related Employment Litigation: What’s on the Minds of Employers and Litigators during COVID-19? (29 May 2020)
Speakers: Michael Brewer, Paul EvansJeffrey SturgeonBillie Wenter

Planning Internships in the Summer of COVID-19 (29 May 2020)
Speakers: Anne Batter, Emily Harbison,  Benjamin Ho

Masks Unmasked — What Employers Need to Know About Face Coverings (15 May 2020)
Speakers: Michael BrewerJoseph DengSusan Eandi

Best Practices for Navigating the Initial Lifting of Shelter-in-Place Orders (15 May 2020)
Speakers: Michael Leggieri, Teresa MichaudBillie Wenter

Unique COVID-Related Wage & Hour Issues Employers Need to Know (15 May 2020)
Speakers: Paul Evans, Emily Harbison, Jeffrey Sturgeon

Best Practices for Employers with the Rush to Remote Working (15 May 2020)
Speakers: William Dugan, Emily Harbison, Brian Hengesbaugh

Practical Tips for Conducting RIFS During these Challenging Times (15 May 2020)
Speakers: Susan EandiBenjamin HoChris Guldberg, Arthur Rooney

US Immigration Considerations During the Pandemic (7 May 2020)
Speakers: Melissa AllchinWilliam DuganBetsy Morgan

Data Privacy Issues Related to COVID-19 Health Questionnaires and Testing (7 May 2020)
Speakers: Amy de La Lama, Joseph DengRobin Samuel

Prediction: COVID-Related Employment Litigation Trends (7 May 2020)
Speakers: Michael BrewerMark GoodmanTeresa Michaud

Importance of Paying Attention to Pay Equity During COVID-19 (7 May 2020)
Speakers: Susan EandiPaul Evans, Emily Harbison

Key Benefits Questions Around the CARES Act (7 May 2020)
Speakers: Chris GuldbergBenjamin Ho


Paul Evans is the New York and East Coast leader for the Employment & Compensation Practice Group, residing in Baker McKenzie's New York office. He is also a member of the Steering Committee for the Firm's North American Employment & Compensation Practice. For over 20 years, Paul's practice has included representation of employers at the US state, federal and appellate level in employment discrimination class actions, ERISA class actions, employment testing and validation matters, wage and hour class and collective actions, multiplaintiff and other complex labor and employment litigation.


Michael Leggieri is a partner in Baker McKenzie’s Employment and Compensation Practice Group, residing in San Francisco. Michael focuses on employment law disputes, counseling, and trial work. Michael began his legal career as a law clerk for the Honorable Cathy Ann Bencivengo in the US District Court for the Southern District of California.


Kate Thompson is an associate in the Employment & Compensation Practice Group at Baker McKenzie's New York office.