In brief
Decree No. 4,630 of 14 January 20221 extends until 31 March 2022 the effect of all the exemptions of Decree No. 4,552 of 6 August 2021 (“Decree“)2, which established exemptions from the payment of VAT, customs duties and customs service fees for certain categories of imported merchandise and economic sectors.3
We understand that the requirements to enjoy the benefits established in the Decree remain unchanged.
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1. Decree No. 4,360 of 14 January 2022 (Official Gazette No. 6,683 of 14 January 2022).
2. Decree No. 4,552 (Official Gazette No. 6,636 6 August 2021).
3. V. Background: “Venezuela: Decree established exemption from the payment of the Value Added Tax, Custom Duties and Customs Service Tariff for Determination of the Customs Regime for several goods and economic sectors” in Decreto estableció la exoneración del pago del IVA, impuesto de importación y tasa por determinación del régimen aduanero a varias mercancías y sectores ( (available in English).