In brief
The legislatures of Salta, Catamarca and Jujuy, by Law Nº 8.289, Law Nº 5.756 and Law Nº 6.278, respectively, ratified the Interprovincial Treaty for the Creation of the Lithium Mining Region, which had been signed in October 2021.
In focus
- Acknowledgement Lithium Mining Region
To recognize that Salta, Catamarca and Jujuy, for the purposes of economic and social development derived from the research, extraction, production, industrialization and commercialization of lithium, form a natural territorial area of the country, to be known as the Lithium Mining Region.
- Regional Lithium Committee (“Committee”) Creation
They propose the creation of a Committee composed of the heads of the Mining Authority at the highest level in each of the provinces. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Productive Development and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the National Executive Branch will be invited to form this Committee. The Committee appointed its members on 5 May 2022 and on 22 August of this year, by means of Joint Complementary Act N° 2, the Regulation that will govern the operation of the Committee was approved.
- Purpose of the Committee
The Committee will act as a coordinator for provincial requirements, among themselves and before the nation, in aspects of regional interest related to research, production, industrialization and commercialization of lithium throughout its entire value chain.
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