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Hennadiy Voytsitskyi

Hennadiy Voytsitskyi heads Baker McKenzie's Tax Practice Group in Kyiv, which was named Ukraine Tax Law Firm at the International Tax Review's 2016 European Tax Awards. He has more than 20 years of experience practicing in Ukrainian and international tax law. Mr. Voytsitskyi is named among the best legal professionals by Legal Experts Europe, Middle East & Africa 2012-2015, one of the leading practitioners of tax law by Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2011-2015, and among the Leading Individuals 2012-2015 Band 2 according to the Chambers Europe 2012-2015. He is among the top 100 tax lawyers in Ukraine according to Client's Choice 2010-2015, based on a Yurydychna Gazeta survey of in-house counsel from 2,000 major companies in Ukraine. Mr. Voytsitskyi participated in a working group led by the National Bank of Ukraine on development of draft legislation for the introduction of controlled foreign companies and implementation of BEPS Actions.

On 23 May 2020, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine Purposed to Improve the Administration of Taxes, Eliminate Technical and Logical Inconsistencies in the Tax Legislation” (‘Anti-BEPS Law’) became effective with certain provisions being phased out.

At the same time, certain provisions of the Anti-BEPS Law have called for the extension of their entry into force or elaboration thereof.

Separately, the President of Ukraine referred to the Cabinet of Ministers with a number of recommendations purposed to enhance the Anti-BEPS Law concerning, inter alia, the CFC Rules, protection of data reported by taxpayers and obtained from the foreign jurisdictions.

To this end, on 14 July 2020, the Parliament of Ukraine passed Law No. 786-IX “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine with respect to Functioning of the Electronic Cabinet and Simplification of Work of Private Entrepreneurs” (‘Amending Law’). On 8 August 2020, the Amending Law entered into force.