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Martin David

Martin David is a principal in the Finance and Projects Practice Group at Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow and heads the Projects practice in Asia Pacific and Singapore. He is a former civil engineer and has market-leading experience in relation to greenfield IPPs in Asia, particularly in the renewables sector (wind and geothermal).

The Indonesian government has announced plans to install rooftop solar panels on at least 800 public buildings across the country this year, according to news sources. This is a positive step in its efforts to reduce Indonesia’s reliance on fossil fuels. Sources suggest that in order to achieve this target,…

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a historic marshalling of capital and a remarkable geopolitical foray into establishing and strengthening multinational trade corridors. It continues to evolve and expand with more than 130 countries now reported to have signed BRI agreements, including Central America and the Pacific, far beyond…

A new Minister of Public Works and Housing (“MOPWH”) regulation, Regulation No. 9 of 2019 on Guidelines for Foreign Construction Services Business Entities (“Regulation 9”), came into force on 13 June 2019. Like previous regulations on similar subjects, Regulation 9 requires foreign contractors to engage as their business partners 100%…