On April 10, 2019, Decree No. 258/2019 (the “Decree”) was published in the Official Gazette. The Decree approved the “National Anticorruption Plan (2019-2023)” (the “NAP”).
Through the NAP, the Executive Branch seeks to consolidate progress in the fight against corruption and establishes certain priorities for the next five years, in line with several international conventions against corruption, organized crime and money laundering.
The NAP includes various initiatives received through public consultation mechanisms, including institutional strengthening, citizen participation, integrity in the private sector, and ethics education at the school level, among others. Each of the aforementioned initiatives includes execution periods for monitoring their progress.
Likewise, the Decree establishes the creation of an “ad honorem” Advisory Council composed by civil society organizations and recognized experts of the private sector, to carry out the follow-up of the implementation of the initiatives contemplated in the NAP.
Finally, the Decree also provides for the creation of public monitoring mechanisms of the aforementioned initiatives, and includes a summarized report of the different measures already taken and the goals of the NAP.
To access the Decree and its Annex, please click here.