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Transparency International (TI) released its 2019 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) on 23 January 2020.

TI reports that the Asia Pacific region has not witnessed substantial progress in anti-corruption efforts. With a regional average CPI score of 45 after many consecutive years of an average of 44, TI considers that there is general stagnation across the region. Nevertheless, China’s global CPI ranking has improved by seven places while its CPI score improved by two points. In China, we continue to see active anti-corruption enforcement across different industries.

Our alert discusses some of the highlights of the 2019 CPI and what it means for companies doing business in China.



Mini vandePol was appointed as the Chair of Baker McKenzie's Global Compliance & Investigations Group on 1 September 2014, after successfully completing five years as the Asia Pacific Regional Chair of the Dispute Resolution Practice Group. In this role, she leads a global team of more than 900 compliance and investigations practitioners in Asia Pacific, EMEA, Latin America and North America. Ms. vandePol's work engagements focus on anti-bribery and corruption investigations and risk management and mitigation in China, India and other parts of Asia in a variety of industries. Ms. vandePol and her team are responsible for the Global Overview of Anti-Bribery Laws (2nd Edition 2016) and is the editor of the very popular Global Attorney-Client Privilege Handbook (2nd edition 2014). She has written a number of articles in journals and other publications both in Australia, India and elsewhere in Asia Pacific on topics ranging from corporate compliance investigations and enforcement, fraud risk, international trade and sanctions compliance, and ethical business practices. She is also a highly sought after media spokesperson and has made several appearances in business media in Hong Kong, India, Australia and the US.