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Anne-Marie Gülger

Anne-Marie Gülger is an Associate in Baker McKenzie, Brussels office.

A new law introducing a banker’s oath and deontological regime for directors and certain bank employees was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 15 January 2024.
The oath requires directors and certain bank employees to make an individual declaration, by which they undertake to respect, in the exercise of their professional activities, some important new deontological rules.

The Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority has developed a new handbook on outsourcing.
The handbook applies to UCITS management companies, alternative investment fund managers and portfolio management and investment advice companies. It sets out several principles of sound management for the outsourcing of functions.
The handbook repeals and replaces the old Circular PPB 2004/5 of the former Banking, Financial and Insurance Commission dated 22 June 2004 on sound management practices in outsourcing by credit institutions and investment firms.