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Trevor N. McFadden

Trevor McFadden is a partner in Baker & McKenzie’s North America Compliance & Investigations Practice Group in Washington, DC, where he focuses on corporate compliance and internal investigations. His experience includes a distinguished career with the US Department of Justice. As an assistant United States attorney in DC, he prosecuted numerous criminal cases. Previously, he was counsel to the Deputy Attorney General, where he advised on white collar and violent crime matters. Mr. McFadden also served as a law clerk for Judge Steven Colloton of the US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and was on the Editorial Board of the Virginia Law Review.

Balancing corporate resolution of high-profile criminal and civil cases against companies for fraud and other misconduct with the prosecution of individuals has become a top policy priority for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). On September 9, 2015, Deputy U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates issued a memo to all DOJ attorneys to provide guidance to prosecutors handling cases involving both companies and individuals. There are several significant developments directors should be aware of.