After several years of development, involving input from over 50 countries, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has finally published ISO 37001: Anti-Bribery Management Systems Standard – a new international standard designed to assist organisations worldwide in implementing and maintaining effective anti-bribery systems.
Following our summary in March 2015, we have again summarized the main compliance benchmarking surveys which have been published over the past 12 months and summarized their results.
The economic literature explains that most markets tend towards oligopoly over the longer term. This does not necessarily imply that competition is impaired.
The Government of New Zealand announced on December 8, 2015 that cartel conduct will not be criminalised under the proposed Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (known as the Cartels Bill).
With the steady increase of global regulation and enforcement across all industries in today’s commercial world, the conduct by companies of independent and credible internal investigations is swiftly being recognised as a standalone area of expertise
This article provides a brief overview of the recent anti-corruption developments in the Asia-Pacific region in the first…
The tables summarize the main topics of the antitrust and competition laws in Asia Pacific. For more information, visit our page “Antitrust Laws around the World”. Country Regulatory authority Key regulation Merger Control Prohibition on abuse Australia Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Yes Yes China…
Baker & McKenzie has published its 2015 Asia Pacific Antitrust & Competition Law Guidebook. The Guidebook brings together a summary…
In a noteworthy trend picked-up by Trace International’s Global Enforcement Report, in 2014 non-U.S. enforcement actions concerning bribery of…
We asked Mini vandePol (Head of the Baker & McKenzie Global and Asia-Pacific Compliance Practice Group) and Joanna Ludlam (Head of the Baker & McKenzie EMEA Compliance Practice Group) 10 questions about current compliance trends and developments. Here are their answers which every compliance professional should read attentively: Mini vandePol (Hong Kong)…