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On 26 September 2024, the OECD Inclusive Framework published a Model Competent Authority Agreement to assist jurisdictions that have implemented the simplified and streamlined approach under Amount B to provide tax certainty. The MCAA is mainly intended to be applied in relation to Covered Jurisdictions as defined in the 17 June 2024 guidance. However, the OECD notes that Inclusive Framework members may use the MCAA as a model for negotiations with jurisdictions that are not defined as Covered Jurisdictions. This workstream has remained pending since the release of the guidance reports in February and June 2024. Therefore, the MCAA brings Amount B one step further toward completion and political agreement, in light of the envisaged local implementation commencing in fiscal years beginning after 1 January 2025.

The Spanish legal framework on packaging and packaging waste that entered into force in December 2022 substantially modified the regulation of packaging and packaging waste in an effort to implement a circular economy in Spain. Most of the obligations have already entered into force. However, certain marking and information obligations will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

The Brazilian Secretariat of International Trade initiated a new antidumping investigation against Brazilian imports of pre-painted steels from China and India on 19 September 2024. Pre-painted steels are used for civil construction, automotive industry, white goods, packaging and others.

On 5 September 2024, Head Resolution No. 0357-2024-ANA was published, whereby the Regulation of Administrative Procedures for the Granting of Water Use Rights and Authorization for the Execution of Works in Natural Water Sources, approved by Head Resolution No. 007-2015-ANA, is amended. This amendment seeks to simplify the procedures for obtaining water use rights.