The Regulation on the Amendment of the Customs Regulation
On September 24, 2021 Turkish Ministry of Trade amended the Customs Regulation (“Regulation“). The amendments to the Regulation introduced a simplified procedure of “permitted consignor authorization” for transit regimes and clarified the scope of the crimes relevant persons must not have a final conviction of to open a temporary storage site or a bonded warehouse. The Ministry of Trade also regulated the transition process regarding permitted consignor authorization and site authorizations granted prior to the subject amendment within the scope of the Regulation on Facilitation of Customs Procedures.
Further details on the amendments to the Regulation is available here.
Communiqué on Import Quota and Tariff Quota Administration
As part of the Communiqué on Import Quota And Tariff Quota Administration dated September 11, 2021 (“Communique“), the Ministry of Trade introduced tariff quotas as an exemption from the additional financial obligation which is applied as a protective measure within the scope of the Decision on the Implementation of Safeguard Measures for the Import of Polyester Fibre (“Decision“). The Decision was put into effect with the President’s Decision No. 4412 dated August 23, 2021 for the import of goods with the HS code 5503. As per the Communiqué, tariff quota can be requested via electronic signature under the “Import Transactions” section on the website of the Ministry of Trade. Tariff quotas will be granted based on the first come, first served basis.
The Communiqué is available here (in Turkish).