In brief
Over the past years, we have seen a significant increase in complex corporate income tax and transfer pricing audits in Belgium, including multilateral audits.
Key takeaways
In this webinar session, we discussed the latest audit trends and focus areas of the Cell for large enterprises, the Transfer pricing cell and the Special tax investigation office (e.g., tax treatment of reorganisations, EBITDA 30%-rule, group contribution, transfer pricing implications of financial transactions, hard-to-value intangibles, etc.). We analyzed the triggers leading to a tax audit and best practices on how to best handle a tax audit. Finally, we looked ahead and discussed the impact of new regimes, such as CFC, Pillar two, the public CbCR, and multilateral tax audits.
Speakers: Géry Bombeke, Julie Permeke
Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to obtain a recording of this webinar.
If you want to access The Year Ahead report, please click here.
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