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Alex Hewitt


Alex is a senior associate at Baker McKenzie in the Technology, Healthcare & Life Sciences team, having started as a graduate with the Firm in 2018.

Alex also holds a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Genetics and Molecular Biology.

Our 16 February 2024 Client Alert reported on the recommendations of the Federal Government’s Independent Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct (“Code”). 

We noted that the recommendations were largely sensible and light touch and that the Review considered that the Code was generally fit-for-purpose.

The Government has now released its formal response, adopting the Review recommendations in full.

The Australian Government’s interim response to the “Safe and responsible AI in Australia” discussion paper flags a risk-based approach to AI governance in Australia including a mix of voluntary AI safety standards, voluntary labelling and watermarking for generative AI and the development of mandatory guardrails with a particular focus on high-risk and frontier AI applications.

In March 2022, Australian Securities & Investments Commission published a response to submissions received to its consultation on review of the ePayments Code. In its response, ASIC proposed various revisions to the current voluntary code, including that scam payments will no longer be regarded as “mistaken internet payments” and reporting requirements for unauthorized transactions will change.