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Bruno Burini

Bruno Corrêa Burini joined the Firm in 2013 and became partner in 2018. He is the responsible for the Brasília Office and coordinates the Public Law litigation practice group, with focus on bids, concessions, regulated markets, competition law and compliance / improbity / anti-corruption issues, with extensive experience in Superior Courts. Mr. Burini has a wide breadth of experience in the government relations group acting before the Executive and Legislative Powers, in addition to contributing to the Tax Law Group. He was, for 5 years, advisor to the Minister of the Superior Court of Justice (Public Law session) and advisor to the Presidency of CADE (The Administrative Council for Economic Defense). Trench Rossi Watanabe and Baker McKenzie have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

After a long legislative process, a new Brazilian Federal law on cartel damages claims was enacted and entered into force (Law No. 14.470/2022) on 17 November 2022. The statute comes with new provisions that are expected to significantly increase incentives for these lawsuits in Brazil. According to the new statute, those who suffered damages due to cartel agreements and concerted practices affecting Brazilian markets will be able to reclaim twice the value of their losses.

In brief The Advocacy and Competition Law Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy (SEAE) published last Wednesday Public Consultation no. 02/2021, through which it seeks to receive contributions regarding potential abusive or excessive actions by federal regulators. The contributions will be used by the SEAE to develop a public policy…