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Cláudio M. Moretti

Cláudio Mangoni Moretti joined the Firm in 2001 as partner and founder of the Porto Alegre Office. He is a member of the Tax Practice Group, working with focus on tax litigation. Claudio M. Moretti has extensive experience in judicial and administrative tax litigation, both with respect to direct and indirect taxes. In addition, for over 25 years he has been advising national and foreign companies on local and international tax planning. Claudio has a wide breadth of experience in the Tax planning for M&A projects of Brazilian companies; corporate structuring of foreign investments; tax structuring and risk analysis of corporate reorganizations; tax consultancy related to the operational activities of companies in the most diverse sectors; acting with local and superior courts in tax and corporate disputes; acted as arbitrator in private arbitrations involving tax issues.
*Trench Rossi Watanabe and Baker McKenzie have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

On 7 July 2023, the Substitutive Amendment to Bill No. 2,384/2023 was approved, with the purpose of disciplining the proclamation of judgment results in the event of a tie vote within the scope of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF), among other measures connected to tax litigation and the transaction in the collection of credits by the Federal Treasury.