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Juan Manuel Sánchez

Juan Manuel Sánchez is an Attorney-at-Law at Baker McKenzie Buenos Aires office.

On Tuesday 3 May 2022, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, through Resolution 826/2022, approved the collective agreement signed between the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees, the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services, the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises and the Argentine Union of Commercial Entities. The Agreement establishes new salary conditions applicable to employees covered by the Collective Bargain Agreement 130/75 effective from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

By means of Decree 493/21 published in the Official Gazette on 6 August 2021, a benefit of reduction of an employer’s social security contributions was established for the case of new hiring of personnel who participate, or have participated, in Educational, Vocational Training or Labor Intermediation Programs of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security.