Across the globe, tax is at the top of the agenda in newsrooms and boardrooms alike, owing to a marked rise in the number of cases being contested. New research Baker McKenzie recently conducted shows that the amount of tax globally under dispute is so large that it wipes out…
On October 7, 2017, the EU Commission published its updated study on corruption in the EU healthcare sector. Companies in the healthcare industry should rethink their policies and procedures based on the results of this Europe-wide study.
There are currently two draft law combating money laundering under final stages of discussion in the Portuguese Parliament and are expected to be approved in the near future.
20 EU Member States agreed to implement the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, a new European institution for the prosecution and investigation of crimes against the EU budget.
We have summarized the results of the compliance studies of the past 12 months and summarized the results in this post. Find out how you measure up against the benchmark.
For several years now, a leniency model exists in Macedonia and it is shaped in line with the EU leniency model. Nevertheless, the Macedonian Competition Commission decided to refine the existing rules.
On February 20, 2016 , the Spanish Anti-Corruption Public Prosecutor set forth the findings against two executives of a Spanish company within the Criminal Section of the Audiencia Nacional for making corrupt payments to a foreign public official.
On 24 January 2017, the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade approved the the Conflict Minerals Regulation. This paves the way for the text to be formally adopted by the EU institutions in the coming months.
Eturas runs the e-commerce back-end of 30 travel agents in Lithuania. An administrator message to each member informed them that the e-commerce functionality allowing each travel agent to grant discounts would be capped at 3 per cent. That message appeared in part of the system relating to information messages. The Court of Justice found that administrator messages could be the basis of illegal cartel type conduct.
On January 25, 2017, the U.S. President signed an Executive Order on “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” containing rules for government privacy policies pertaining to foreigners. This caused concerns in Europe, but should not affect the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.