Be careful when you purchase land you know to be contaminated and be careful when you sell land without remediating known contamination first;
The Queensland government has responded to increasing public focus on the risk to the State of insolvent companies failing to meet environmental compliance obligations by the rapid introduction of proposed changes to the State’s environmental laws.
In another example of collaboration between the United States and Canada on environmental product matters, Environment Canada has recently released a consultation paper in respect of its proposed regulations to ban the use of microbeads in personal care products.
Canada’s Chemical Management Plan (the “CMP”) continues to expand the scope of its investigation into substances already in commercial use in Canada. The newest target for CMP scrutiny and industry reporting are nanomaterials – substances that are manufactured and/or have internal or surface structures measured in nanometers.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy presented a paper outlining the key points for the reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, which is scheduled for 2016. The government plans to introduce competitive tender mechanisms for most renewable energy technologies starting 2017.
As part of the flurry of Chemical Management Plan reporting obligations initiated earlier this year, Environment Canada issued its Notice With Respect to Certain Priority Petroleum Substances on the Domestic Substance List under the Canadian Management Plan.
Environment Canada’s Chemical Management Plan continues its investigation into substances which have previously been listed on the expansion into substances previously listed on the CMP’s Domestic Substances List as approved for use in Canada.
On 30 June 2014, the Supreme Court issued a decision which requires the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to revoke MEMR Regulation No. 17 of 2013 on Purchase of Power by PLN from Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit affirmed its April 14, 2014 decision in National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC upholding in part and invalidating in part the SEC’s conflict minerals disclosure rule.
The PACMA is a group of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental care projects, works and actions, to promote sustainable development, as well as strengthen relations between communities and oil and gas (O&G) companies in order to obtain and extend the Social License to Operate (Licencia Social de Operación “LSO”).…