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Dr. Janet Butler

Dr. Janet Butler is a counsel in Baker & McKenzie's Berlin office. Her main areas of practice include energy law, subsidy/state aid law and environmental & planning law. She also has significant experience advising on privatizations. She is a member of the Germany Public Law Practice Group as well as the European Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Practice Group. Dr. Butler advises companies and public entities in the fields of public law and governmental regulation, with a particular focus on the energy sector and renewable energy industry. She advises clients in the energy sector on regulatory, contractual, building and planning law issues, especially in the context of solar and wind park projects in Germany.

We will provide you with regular updates on all relevant legal developments regarding the Coronavirus disease in Germany. Please find on the link below our sixth edition of our guideline. Our team is ready to navigate you through these challenging times. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our…

We will provide you with regular updates on all relevant legal developments regarding the Coronavirus disease in Germany. Please find on the link below our fourth edition of our guideline. Our team is ready to navigate you through these challenging times. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our…

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy presented a paper outlining the key points for the reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, which is scheduled for 2016. The government plans to introduce competitive tender mechanisms for most renewable energy technologies starting 2017.

On April 1, 2015, the German Federal Cabinet (Bundeskabinett) approved a legislative package introducing broad restrictions on the use of hydraulic fracturing technology (fracking) in Germany. The legislative bill prohibits hydraulic fracturing in certain areas to protect drinking water supply, health and nature, and sets strict limits on unconventional fracking…