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In brief

On 11 December 2021, the official journal, El Peruano, published Resolution N° 028-2021-OEFA/CD, through which the Environmental Monitoring Report Registration Module was created (“IMA Module“) as the electronic means through which those managed under the competence of OEFA must comply with when submitting their environmental monitoring reports. According to the provisions of the said standard, the implementation of the IMA Module will be carried out gradually and in phases.

Thus, by the Resolution of the Board of Directors 060-2021-OEFA/CD, dated 31 December 2021, the first list of the holders of activities under the competence of OEFA that are authorized for the entry and use of the IMA Module was published, among which several of the main agricultural and electrical companies were included.

On 24 November 2022, the Resolution of the Presidency of the Board of Directors N° 0068-2022-OEFA/PCD was published, through which the second list of the holders of activities under the competence of the OEFA that are qualified for the entry and use of the IMA Module (Second Phase) was approved, this time including several of the main companies in the mining sector that are detailed below:

  1. Anabi S.A.C.
  2. Anglo American Quellaveco S.A.
  3. Ariana Operaciones Mineras S.A.C.
  4. Carbones y Derivados S.A.E.M.A.
  5. Century Mining Peru S.A.C.
  6. Compañia Minera Lincuna S.A.
  7. Compañia Minera Valor S.a. In Liquidation
  8. Empresa Explotadora De Vinchos Ltda. S.A.C.
  9. Empresa Administradora Cerro S.A.C.
  10. Empresa Administradora Chungar S.A.C.
  11. Invicta Mining Corp S.A.C.
  12. Mdh S.A.C.
  13. Minera Anaconda Peru S.A.
  14. Minera Carabayllo S.A.
  15. Minera del Norte S.A.
  16. Minera Las Bambas S.A.
  17. Minera Shouxin Peru S.A.
  18. Sierra Poli S.A.C.
  19. Mining Company Austria Duvaz S.A.C.
  20. Trevali Peru S.A.C.

Therefore, starting on 25 November 2022, the 90-day Trial Period began, during which the above-mentioned companies must educate themselves and familiarize themselves with the operability and use of the IMA Module. During this period, the use of the IMA Module is optional and OEFA will prioritize the actions of its supervision with an orientation approach.

After the end of the Trial Period, the above-mentioned companies will be obliged to submit their monitoring reports through the IMA Module.

We hope that this information will be of relevance to you and your company. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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@2022 Estudio Echecopar
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Ina Maria Drago is a partner at Estudio Echecopar. She has a background in corporate law with a broad knowledge of the legislation applicable to natural resources activities and advises clients in all aspects related to the start-up and development of natural resources projects.

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