On 29 January 2024, through Resolution No. 51/2024 (Resolution), the Secretariat of Commerce repealed a series of provisions and resolutions, with the purpose of reducing bureaucracy and simplifying the processes of the entire production and consumption chain. Within the framework of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70/2023 and the bill of “Bases and Starting Points for the freedom of Argentines”, which were recently promoted by the Executive Branch of the Nation, the Secretariat by means of the Resolution repealed more than 50 provisions and resolutions issued under its competence. This is in order to reduce bureaucracy and simplify the production processes in relation to consumer and to promote the elimination of certain obstacles and barriers within the trade industry.
On 27 July 2023, through Resolution 621/2023, the National Energy Secretariat called for interested parties to submit offers in the “TerCONF” open call to enter into thermal generation supply agreements with Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A. for a term of up to 15 years. Remuneration contemplates a payment for the availability of the power offered and another one for the energy supplied. The open call seeks to increase the thermal generation of the Argentine Interconnection System, modernize the power plants and their assets located in Tierra del Fuego, and adapt the reserves to accompany the increasing demand.