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Alexandre Salomão Jabra


Alexandre Salomão Jabra joined the firm in 2010. He integrates the environmental, consumer and sustainability practice group, with focus on consultancies, administrative procedures lawsuits and negotiations.

In the environmental area, Alexandre has a wide breadth of experience in cases involving contamination, environmental and urbanistic licensing procedures, environmental liability, management of solid wastes and take-back requirements, effluents, electromagnet pollution, air emissions, forestry matters, protected areas and minorities, biodiversity, controlled chemicals products, socio and environmental liability of financial institutions, climate change, carbon markets and urbanistic regularization.

In the consumer area, Alexandre has experience with consultations, administrative and judicial procedures related to Consumer Law issues with federal, state and municipal agencies, such as DPDC, PROCONs, Public Prosecutors and Municipalities involving recall, offers, data protection, misleading and abusive advertising, privacy, e-commerce, abusive clauses, commercial practices, terms and conditions and violations to the Brazilian Consumer Defense Code.

Alexandre represents several clients in the oil&gas, automotive, chemicals, technology, food, communications, mining, finance and services sectors. 

*Trench Rossi Watanabe and Baker McKenzie have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

On 14 December 2021, CETESB (Environmental Agency of the State of São Paulo) published Board Decision No. 125/2021/E of 9 December 2021, which approved the updated list of thresholds for contaminants in the soil and groundwater in the State of São Paulo and revoked the former list approved by Board Decision No. 256/2016/E, of 22 November 2016.

On 27 October 2021, Regulatory Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment No. 487, dated 26 October 2021, was published. The ordinance establishes the category Forest+Agro under the National Program of Payments for Environmental Services – Forest+, which in turn was established by Ministry of Environment Ordinance No. 288 of 2 July 2020.

In November 2021, the city of Glasgow in Scotland will host the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. In Brazil, the Commission of Foreign Affairs and National Defense held a public hearing on 21 June to discuss the projects that Brazil will present at COP26 after members of the Congress Camilo Capiberibe, David Miranda and Paulo Fernando dos Santos had presented a requirement, for that matter.

The Ministry of the Environment, IBAMA and ICMBIO have edited Joint Normative Instruction (INC) MMA/IBAMA/ICMBio No. 2/2021, published in the Federal Official Gazette on Thursday, 29 April. The new INC updated certain procedures established by Joint INC No. 1/2021, which was published at the beginning of April, particularly those related to inspection reports.

The environmental agency of the state of São Paulo (CETESB) published technical note no. 01/21 in April 2021, providing the applicable methodologies for the measurement and report of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) for the parties that are included in the São Paulo Environment Agreement.

In brief On 22 March 2021, the National Consumer Secretariat (SENACON) and the National Authority of Data Protection (ANPD) executed a technical cooperation agreement to speed up the inspection and investigation of security incidents involving consumer data. One of the main goals of the agreement is to standardize the actions…

On 5 April 2021, the Secretariat of the Amazon and Environmental Services of the Environmental Ministry (MMA) enacted Technical Note No. 353/2021. The Technical Note elaborates on the implementation of the Forest+ Carbon program and discloses the Brazilian government position regarding the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which addresses market instruments aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.