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Giovani Bruno Tomasoni

Giovani Bruno Tomasoni joined the Firm in 2008 and became partner of the Environment, Consumer and Sustainability practice group in 2020. He practices with focus on Environment, Public Law, Energy, Forestry, and helps clients in the internalization of concepts such as sustainability, ESG, circular economy, environmental compliance, among others.
*Trench Rossi Watanabe and Baker McKenzie have executed a strategic cooperation agreement for consulting on foreign law.

The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources opened a public consultation regarding a new normative that regulates the control of corporate emissions and the management of pollutant emission credits for the Vehicle Emission Control Program’s L8 phase. The public consultation is in accordance with CONAMA Resolution No. 492/2018, which established the Proconve L7 and L8 phases, and aims to obtain input from stakeholders who will be involved in Proconve L8.

On 16 February 20221, the National Mining Agency published Directive No. 95 of 7 February 2022, defining the regulatory measures applicable to mining dams pursuant to the National Policy on Dam Safety. The resolution enters into effect on 22 February 2022 and establishes mandatory deadlines for entrepreneurs.

The federal government has enacted Federal Decree no. 10,946/2022, which establishes and regulates the guidelines for energy generation in offshore projects, particularly about the use of maritime space and the exploitation of natural resources. With the publication of the Decree and according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, certain gaps are expected to be filled, in addition to a greater regulatory assurance involving the development of offshore power generation projects.

On 14 December 2021, CETESB (Environmental Agency of the State of São Paulo) published Board Decision No. 125/2021/E of 9 December 2021, which approved the updated list of thresholds for contaminants in the soil and groundwater in the State of São Paulo and revoked the former list approved by Board Decision No. 256/2016/E, of 22 November 2016.

On 6 October 2021, the CETESB (environmental agency of the state of São Paulo) published Board Decision No. 105/2021/P/C of 29 September 2021, which altered Board Decision No. 114/2019/P/C, establishing the “procedure for the incorporation of reverse logistics in the scope of environmental licensing”.