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Pongtorn Jittapinijmas

Pongtorn Jittapinijmas is an Associate in Baker McKenzie Bangkok office.

The Entertainment Complex Policy Parliamentary Committee has considered and endorsed the draft Entertainment Complex Bill, B.E. (“Entertainment Complex Bill”), a concept initiated many years ago. The Entertainment Complex Bill aims to facilitate the establishment of entertainment complexes that include casinos. This has been passed to the House of Representatives in March 2024.

On 12 March 2024, the Cabinet approved in principle the draft Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (No..), B.E. (“New Alcoholic Beverage Bill”) as proposed by the Ministry of Public Health. The New Alcoholic Beverage Bill has now been forwarded to the Office of the Council of State for further consideration.

The Office of the Consumer Protection Board has published the Notification of the Advertising Committee on Guidelines for Using Advertising Statements in Manners That Affirm Facts That Are Difficult to Prove and Guidelines for Proving the Facts Concerning Advertising Statements, B.E. 2565 (2022) in the Government Gazette on 13 January 2023, effective on 14 January 2023.

The “provision or acceptance of gift policy” is a key compliance principle in the governmental sector, as reflected in several key pieces of legislation. On 13 January 2023, the Office of the Prime Minister issued the Regulation on the Provision or Acceptance of Gift of Governmental Officials, B.E. 2565 (2022), which came into effect on 14 January 2023. This regulation updates and strengthens the policy on the provision or acceptance of gifts for the governmental sector. The regulation applies to all government officials, including but not limited to officials, staff, and employees of government agencies and state-owned enterprises.

Governance plays a key role in protecting a company from undesirable misconduct and may help to mitigate some of the consequences of non-compliance, whether in terms of civil or criminal liabilities of the company itself or its board of directors.This article explores ESG from the corporate governance and management perspective.

Advertising is a great way for business operators to connect with consumers, and advertisers today are able to reach more customers than ever before through the use of various media and channels (e.g., electronic, social media, brochures, newspaper advertising and TV advertising). In response to this, the Office of the Consumer Protection Board has deemed it necessary to step up its efforts to protect consumers. This article discusses the potential regulatory development that business operators should be aware of concerning the use of advertising that presents unsubstantiated claims or statements that are difficult to prove true.

At present, certain promotional activities (e.g., sweepstakes, raffle games or random premiums) are subject to the Gambling Act, B.E. 2478 (1935), which require the business operator to get permission from the Department of Provincial Administration. The Gambling Act regulates all sweepstakes activities with a strict and complicated permission system. The Office of the Council of State has now updated the requirements under the Gambling Act by passing the Bill on Sweepstakes Activities in the Course of Business or Occupation to reduce the strict procedures and difficulties for business operators in arranging these promotional activities.

In this article, we will discuss the obligations of business operators to report transactions that meet the monetary thresholds set by the Anti-Money Laundering Office or where there are any suspicious transactions as stipulated under the Act.

In our previous article (link), we pointed out that, in addition to businesses in the financial sector, certain other businesses also have obligations under the Money Laundering Control Act, B.E. 2542 (1999).