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The EU Member States agreed to postpone the entry into force date of the ‘VAT e-commerce package’. 

The VAT e-commerce package introduces new VAT rules that -in essence- aim to make online sales of goods to EU consumers become effectively subject to VAT in the EU. Under the current EU VAT rules, online sales of goods that are imported into the EU, in practice often remain free of VAT.

This is the fifth in a series of guidance notes on what the ‘Schrems II’ decision means for companies that rely on EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, controller-to-processor standard contractual clauses, SCCs for transfers to controllers, derogations/exceptions to transfer restrictions, and binding corporate rules, as well as what ‘Schrems II’ means for Brexit and what companies can expect with the road ahead on these issues.

The financial markets are experiencing a significant amount of disruption for which there is no precedent. However, in these difficult times it is important that originators, sponsors and securitisation special purpose entities (SSPEs) do not lose sight of their regulatory obligations under Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 (Securitisation Regulation). This short briefing…