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The European Commission’s Digital Single Market (“DSM”) agenda was launched on May 6, 2015 combining a wide ranging antitrust inquiry with a series of legislative initiatives designed to shake up online businesses across Europe, and globally. A mixed bag of free trade… Some of the initiatives play to the strengths…

In late 2014, the trade associations for the Med-Tech and Diagnostics industries in Europe have recommended phasing out by 1 January 2018 all direct sponsorship of HCPs to attend educational conferences organised by third parties, as well as introducing stricter rules to control indirect sponsorship. The announcement by the European…

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on December 2, 2014 released its first-ever analysis of anti-bribery on a global scale. 427 transnational bribery cases that occurred between February 1999 and June 2014 were reviewed. The key findings are: Almost two-thirds of cases occurred in four sectors: mining (19%);…