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On 9 July 2021, President Biden issued his Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy (EO) signaling support for severe limitation of post-employment noncompete restrictions–a move likely to add fuel to the fire of states passing laws to limit the use of post-employment noncompetes.

Shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders have been prevalent throughout the United States since March 2020 as state and local governments have sought to protect their citizens from the spread of the COVID-19 virus while at the same time reopen their economies in accordance with phased reopening plans. The Tracker keeps up to date with orders and plans across the country, and is current as of 9 July 2021.

Trade secrets are broad in scope and can be what provides your business with a competitive edge, ensures efficiencies and tracking, results in a better product or service and enables better marketing and identification of the target consumer. Yet when it comes to working with commercial partners in supply chains, the risk to this proprietary information can be put at risk.

In Baker McKenzie’s Government Procurement Update, you will find the latest guidance, trends and enforcement actions related to government procurement (both U.S. government contracting and International Financing Institutions), including suspension and debarment, bid protests, and False Claims Act defense. Calling upon our deep bench of 4000+ lawyers and legal professionals worldwide, we will occasionally invite guest practitioners to write about related topics in the criminal, civil, and administrative context. Readers can expect to find practical guidance and tips for compliance with public procurement policies as well as best practices for managing government inquiries and litigation.

On June 8, 2021, the White House published a set of reports on the 100-day interagency reviews conducted pursuant to Executive Order 14017, which assessed supply chain risks and vulnerabilities for several supply chains, including those relating to semiconductor manufacturing and advanced packaging, and made policy recommendations to address those risks.

On June 9, 2021, the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a final rule, effective June 8, amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to reflect the formal termination by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of its participation in the Arab League Boycott of Israel (the “Amendment”). This means that certain requests for information, action or agreement from the UAE will no longer be presumed to be boycott-related if made after August 16, 2020.

There are several circumstances in which the same facts or transactions at issue in a civil litigation will also give rise to multiple proceedings that will all occur in parallel. These can include a government investigation and subsequent criminal prosecution, civil injunctive relief action, and potentially sanctions proceedings, in addition to the civil action by a private plaintiff.

Shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders have been prevalent throughout the United States since March 2020 as state and local governments have sought to protect their citizens from the spread of the COVID-19 virus while at the same time reopen their economies in accordance with phased reopening plans. Georgia and Illinois extended their state-wide orders and/or the duration of the current phase of their reopening plans. While Michigan, Oregon, New York and Pennsylvania. have eased restrictions, mask requirements and/or advanced to the next phase of their reopening plan.