Our team of over 300 antitrust experts around the world have collaborated to produce a truly innovative Global Merger Analysis Platform (GMAP). GMAP answers 90 detailed questions on merger control law in 120 jurisdictions. It is updated in real time, offering more depth and more legal certainty than existing products…
Baker McKenzie’s Bogotá Office is pleased to present its Country COVID-19 Client Newsletter. We offer you a brief…
Read publication In this issue of the Global Immigration and Mobility Quarterly Update: Colombia: Immigration Trends – Changes…
In this webinar, Esteban Rópolo, competition law expert and partner, presents the legal and economic challenges and risks that multinational companies from the region or operating in Latin America have to face when dealing with multijurisdictional filings. In addition, Miguel de Quinto, competition economist expert and senior associate, offers…
Read publication In this issue: Colombia: Colombian government adopts exceptional measure to mitigate the risk of having stateless…
Despite geopolitical shifts, uncertainty and various factors that seem to affect numerous sectors, the global luxury and fashion…
Antitrust law in Latin America is evolving. Stronger cooperation among regulators and the growing influence of the OECD — to which Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico are already parties — are giving rise to more stringent and sophisticated enforcement. In the last few years, we have seen authorities in the…
Building on the success of 2016’s “EMEA Corporate Liability Handbook,” we are pleased to present you with the first global edition that collates and describes in detail the corporate liability and corporate crime regimes of countries in Asia, EMEA and the Americas.
We have summarized the results of the compliance studies of the past 12 months and summarized the results in this post. Find out how you measure up against the benchmark.
We are very pleased to present you the latest edition of our Global Overview of Anti-Bribery Laws Handbook, updated with detailed information about key legislative and enforcement activity in the anti-bribery and corruption sphere.