On 8 November 2023, join thought leaders from government, the judiciary, academia, and private practice for this timely gathering on the Georgetown Law campus in Washington, DC. Laws and policy surrounding the protection of trade secrets are changing as technology evolves. In this first-of-its-kind event at Georgetown, intellectual property experts will discuss the following topics: How generative AI is transforming the trade secret landscape, the role of non-competes, protecting against leaks of confidential information, the impact of China’s emerging trade secret protection landscape on global commerce, and the future of trade secrets in the US and abroad.
Welcome to our Virtual Year-End Review of Import/Export and Trade Compliance Developments Conference resource center. Baker McKenzie’s international trade compliance lawyers from around the world discussed the major global legislative, judicial and administrative activities and trends in export controls, trade sanctions, customs compliance, and import requirements in nine 75 minute sessions which took place from 15 to 17 November 2022.
Baker McKenzie’s Government Procurement Update resource center gives you the latest guidance, trends and enforcement actions related to government procurement (both US government contracting and international financing institutions), including suspension and debarment, bid protests, and False Claims Act defense. Calling upon our deep bench of more than 4,000 lawyers and legal professionals worldwide, we will occasionally feature guest practitioners to write about related topics in the criminal, civil, and administrative context. Readers can expect to find practical guidance and tips for compliance with public procurement policies as well as best practices for managing government inquiries and litigation.
As the first year of the Biden Administration comes to a close, the US government has continued to use sanctions and other trade tools to target Chinese companies, citing national security, alleged human rights violations, and a range of other policy reasons for its actions. Dozens of Chinese companies have been added to various US trade blacklists, with negative and often far-reaching impacts.
Our annual report, The Year Ahead: Global Disputes Forecast 2022, addresses key trends in the disputes landscape around the globe, and we invite you to join us for a webinar series focused on key issues identified in the report including litigation preparedness, ESG, digital transformation and healthcare and life sciences.
Episode 21: COP26 Key Takeaways for Sovereign Wealth Funds
In this episode of FInsight, Andrew Hedges and Kay She from Baker McKenzie’s EMI group in London discuss their experience and observations while on the ground in Glasgow. They cover business imperatives and challenges affecting the global economy and how sovereign wealth funds are well-positioned to influence and make an impact on broader sustainability goals and action plans. As discussions on climate-related issues evolve from commitments to execution in the recent COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, we unpack some of the key takeaways relevant for sovereign wealth funds.
In this episode of FInsight, Baker McKenzie partners Daniela Fonseca Puggina from our Miami office and Jennifer Semko from our Washington D.C. office discuss litigation readiness for FIs. The episode also covers potential vulnerabilities and disputes that they need to prepare for, current and emerging trends in litigation (from our Litigation Intelligence Tool and Report), and how they can benefit from litigation preparedness.
READ REPORT IN ENGLISH READ REPORT IN SPANISH READ REPORT IN MANDARIN The Year Ahead – our publication looking at key developments in global litigation and arbitration for 2021 – is now available in English, Spanish and Mandarin. COVID-19 and its effects have triggered many disputes, with litigation volumes in…
The US legal system is not virtual. As the Supreme Court has stated, the right to in-person confrontation has “a lineage that traces back to the beginnings of Western legal culture.” Reminders of the importance of physical presence in the courtroom are everywhere: the Constitution guarantees the right to trial by jury, the Supreme Court has held that there is a qualified First Amendment right to attend court proceedings, and out-of-court statements are generally inadmissible. These are only a few examples. But what happens when these important rights collide with equally important public health considerations? Are virtual solutions legally permissible/technically possible/strategically desirable? Will today’s temporary work-arounds become tomorrow’s best practices? Is remote litigation the wave of the future? What risks and opportunities does it present?