Shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders have been prevalent throughout the United States since March 2020 as state and local governments have sought to protect their citizens from the spread of the COVID-19 virus while at the same time reopen their economies in accordance with phased reopening plans. Illinois, Iowa and New Mexico extended their state-wide orders and/or the duration of the current phase of their reopening plans. Washington amended its state-wide mask mandate to require facial coverings for large outdoor events with 500 or more individual, regardless of vaccination status.
In this Quick Chat video, Baker McKenzie’s Labour and Employment, Global Immigration and Mobility, and Tax lawyers review the wide variety of legal issues for Canadian employers to consider regarding a temporary or permanent remote work opportunity outside of the province of the employment agreement and provide tips on how employers can offer employees flexibility while remaining compliant with employment, immigration and tax requirements.
In the current pandemic, many employers have been required to rapidly shift to a remote working model. This shift has raised a number of issues that employers have had to consider, including how best to monitor remote workers’ hours of work, how to appropriately supervise and mentor them, and how to appropriately address health and safety obligations outside the usual office environment.
With the tightening of Australia’s border controls restricting the ability of individuals to travel overseas and back again, employers are now also grappling with situations where employees who have traveled outside Australia are requesting the ability to work remotely whilst overseas.
Latin America has been undergoing COVID-19 vaccination developments on many fronts. The news that a vaccine is finally becoming a reality presents organizations with the possibility of returning to business as normal. While governments and health organizations are still pushing forward their vaccination programs, with regulatory approvals still pending in most countries, there is uncertainty about the timing, viability, and availability of a vaccine. All this has been resulting in many issues arising on employer-mandated vaccinations across many industries in their business operations.
Key developments reflected in this week’s update to the tracker include the following: President Biden issued a COVID-19 Action Plan, which requires, among other things, that all employers with 100 or more employees ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly. Colorado, Delaware, Indiana and Louisiana extended their state-wide orders and/or the duration of the current phase of their reopening plans Louisiana and Washington implemented state-wide mask mandates, while Nevada changed its mask mandate to give organizers of conventions in counties with substantial or high COVID-19 transmission rates the option to allow attendees to remove their masks if the organizer can guarantee that all attendees are vaccinated
For a little over a year now, the financial sector has been occupied with the need for resilience in the face of the challenges posed by the pandemic, but we are now swiftly and surely moving into the reform and renewal stages of recovery. It’s now time to reflect on what is changing as well as the lessons we have learnt so that the financial sector can continue to best serve and support its clients and markets.
“Semplificazioni” Decree-bis (Law Decree No. 77 of 31 May 2021) was converted into Law No. 108 of 29 July 2021.Upon conversion into law, the text of the Decree was subject to further amendments and adjustments. The most significant changes regarding public contracts, environment, renewable energy, town planning and construction, and administrative procedures are set forth in this article.
With major vaccine developments in Latin America, including kick-offs for vaccine campaigns, employers should consider whether a vaccination policy is right for their workplace, keeping in mind that such policies implicate a broad range of employment laws and regulations, and that many of these vary from country to country.
Baker McKenzie has a team in place that has been advising clients in real-time on critical issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic since the first shelter-in-place/stay-at-home orders were enacted. The latest update on 27 August 2021 reflects these developments:
• The following jurisdictions extended their state-wide orders and/or the duration of the current phase of their reopening plans: Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, and New Mexico.
• The following jurisdictions imposed new face-covering requirements: Illinois, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia.
Following the example of companies in other countries, a number of companies in the Netherlands recently announced the requirement for employees to be vaccinated before they can return to the workplace. The announcement led to major discussion in the Netherlands, as a vaccination obligation would be a breach of fundamental rights. In this monthly feature, we discuss the possibility of requiring employees to be vaccinated.